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BHBL - Beverly Hills Basketball League

Playoff Must Play Rules

The Beverly Hills Basketball League (BHBL) employs a Playoff Must Play Rule (PMPR) during playoff games. The PMPR serves several essential purposes:

  • Balancing Playing Time: It ensures a fair distribution of playing time, especially when teams have varying numbers of players at a game.

  • Promoting Punctuality: The PMPR reinforces the importance of players being at their games at least 15 minutes before kickoff.

This concept aligns with our Positive Coaching principle of “ROOTS,” where BHBL participants honor the game by respecting the “R” rules, their “O” opponents, the “O” officials, their “T” teammates, and their “S” selves. 

Respecting teammates involves being punctual for games and communicating effectively with coaches.

Parents, we kindly request your support in honoring the game and upholding the “ROOTS” of BHBL basketball. One way to do so is by ensuring your BHBL players arrive at their games at least 15 minutes before kickoff.

For our double-elimination playoff format, we have established the following PMPR:

# of Players

Regular Season Must Play Rule “MPR”

Playoff Must Play Rule “PMPR”


Ten play 4

Min 3, Max 5


Five play 4, 4 play 5

Min 3, Max 5


8 play 5

Min 3, Max 5


Five play 6, 2 play 5

Min 3, Max 6


4 play 7, 2 play 6

Min 3, Max 7


5 play 8

Min 3, Max 8


  • When both teams have equal players, the regular season MPR applies to both teams.

  • If one team has fewer players than their opponent, the team with more players may choose to use the PMPR, although it is not mandatory.

  • A team opting for the PMPR must adhere to the number of players their opponent is playing with.

  • Late arrivals to a game must play at least half of the remaining segments. A player is considered delinquent if they arrive after the game’s start.

  • Player replacements for injured players are not counted towards segments played.

  • If a player fouls out, the coach must select the player with the fewest segments played as the replacement.

  • The MPR and PMPR rules do not apply to overtime periods.

Beverly Hills Basketball League

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